05 - LiteX for real

LiteX can do a lot more than our previous example. It was created to generate SoC (systems on chips) that can be configured.

For this lesson to work you will have to install a Risc V compiler.

Create a file colorlight_i5.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# This file is part of LiteX-Boards.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Kazumoto Kojima <kkojima@rr.iij4u.or.jp>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

from migen import *

from litex.gen import *

from litex.build.io import DDROutput

from litex_boards.platforms import colorlight_i5

from litex.soc.cores.clock import *
from litex.soc.integration.soc_core import *
from litex.soc.integration.builder import *
from litex.soc.cores.video import VideoHDMIPHY
from litex.soc.cores.led import LedChaser

from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import *

from litedram.modules import M12L64322A # Compatible with EM638325-6H.
from litedram.phy import GENSDRPHY, HalfRateGENSDRPHY

from liteeth.phy.ecp5rgmii import LiteEthPHYRGMII

# CRG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class _CRG(LiteXModule):
    def __init__(self, platform, sys_clk_freq, use_internal_osc=False, with_usb_pll=False, with_video_pll=False, sdram_rate="1:1"):
        self.rst    = Signal()
        self.cd_sys = ClockDomain()
        if sdram_rate == "1:2":
            self.cd_sys2x    = ClockDomain()
            self.cd_sys2x_ps = ClockDomain()
            self.cd_sys_ps = ClockDomain()

        # # #

        # Clk / Rst
        if not use_internal_osc:
            clk = platform.request("clk25")
            clk_freq = 25e6
            clk = Signal()
            div = 5
            self.specials += Instance("OSCG",
                p_DIV = div,
                o_OSC = clk
            clk_freq = 310e6/div

        rst_n = platform.request("cpu_reset_n")

        # PLL
        self.pll = pll = ECP5PLL()
        self.comb += pll.reset.eq(~rst_n | self.rst)
        pll.register_clkin(clk, clk_freq)
        pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys,    sys_clk_freq)
        if sdram_rate == "1:2":
            pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys2x,    2*sys_clk_freq)
            pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys2x_ps, 2*sys_clk_freq, phase=180) # Idealy 90° but needs to be increased.
           pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys_ps, sys_clk_freq, phase=180) # Idealy 90° but needs to be increased.

        # USB PLL
        if with_usb_pll:
            self.usb_pll = usb_pll = ECP5PLL()
            self.comb += usb_pll.reset.eq(~rst_n | self.rst)
            usb_pll.register_clkin(clk, clk_freq)
            self.cd_usb_12 = ClockDomain()
            self.cd_usb_48 = ClockDomain()
            usb_pll.create_clkout(self.cd_usb_12, 12e6, margin=0)
            usb_pll.create_clkout(self.cd_usb_48, 48e6, margin=0)

        # Video PLL
        if with_video_pll:
            self.video_pll = video_pll = ECP5PLL()
            self.comb += video_pll.reset.eq(~rst_n | self.rst)
            video_pll.register_clkin(clk, clk_freq)
            self.cd_hdmi   = ClockDomain()
            self.cd_hdmi5x = ClockDomain()
            video_pll.create_clkout(self.cd_hdmi,    40e6, margin=0)
            video_pll.create_clkout(self.cd_hdmi5x, 200e6, margin=0)

        # SDRAM clock
        sdram_clk = ClockSignal("sys2x_ps" if sdram_rate == "1:2" else "sys_ps")
        self.specials += DDROutput(1, 0, platform.request("sdram_clock"), sdram_clk)

# BaseSoC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class BaseSoC(SoCCore):
    def __init__(self, board="i5", revision="7.0", toolchain="trellis", sys_clk_freq=60e6,
        with_ethernet          = False,
        with_etherbone         = False,
        local_ip               = "",
        remote_ip              = "",
        eth_phy                = 0,
        with_led_chaser        = True,
        use_internal_osc       = False,
        sdram_rate             = "1:1",
        with_video_terminal    = False,
        with_video_framebuffer = False,
        board = board.lower()
        assert board in ["i5", "i9"]
        platform = colorlight_i5.Platform(board=board, revision=revision, toolchain=toolchain)

        # CRG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        with_usb_pll   = kwargs.get("uart_name", None) == "usb_acm"
        with_video_pll = with_video_terminal or with_video_framebuffer
        self.crg = _CRG(platform, sys_clk_freq,
            use_internal_osc = use_internal_osc,
            with_usb_pll     = with_usb_pll,
            with_video_pll   = with_video_pll,
            sdram_rate       = sdram_rate

        # SoCCore ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        SoCCore.__init__(self, platform, int(sys_clk_freq), ident = "LiteX SoC on Colorlight " + board.upper(), **kwargs)

        # Leds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if with_led_chaser:
            ledn = platform.request_all("user_led_n")
            self.leds = LedChaser(pads=ledn, sys_clk_freq=sys_clk_freq)

        # SPI Flash --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if board == "i5":
            from litespi.modules import GD25Q16 as SpiFlashModule
        if board == "i9":
            from litespi.modules import W25Q64 as SpiFlashModule

        from litespi.opcodes import SpiNorFlashOpCodes as Codes
        self.add_spi_flash(mode="1x", module=SpiFlashModule(Codes.READ_1_1_1))

        # SDR SDRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if not self.integrated_main_ram_size:
            sdrphy_cls = HalfRateGENSDRPHY if sdram_rate == "1:2" else GENSDRPHY
            self.sdrphy = sdrphy_cls(platform.request("sdram"))
                phy           = self.sdrphy,
                module        = M12L64322A(sys_clk_freq, sdram_rate),
                l2_cache_size = kwargs.get("l2_size", 8192)

        # Ethernet / Etherbone ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        if with_ethernet or with_etherbone:
            self.ethphy = LiteEthPHYRGMII(
                clock_pads = self.platform.request("eth_clocks", eth_phy),
                pads       = self.platform.request("eth", eth_phy),
                tx_delay = 0)
            if with_ethernet:
            if with_etherbone:

        if local_ip:
            local_ip = local_ip.split(".")
            self.add_constant("LOCALIP1", int(local_ip[0]))
            self.add_constant("LOCALIP2", int(local_ip[1]))
            self.add_constant("LOCALIP3", int(local_ip[2]))
            self.add_constant("LOCALIP4", int(local_ip[3]))

        if remote_ip:
            remote_ip = remote_ip.split(".")
            self.add_constant("REMOTEIP1", int(remote_ip[0]))
            self.add_constant("REMOTEIP2", int(remote_ip[1]))
            self.add_constant("REMOTEIP3", int(remote_ip[2]))
            self.add_constant("REMOTEIP4", int(remote_ip[3]))

        # Video ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if with_video_terminal or with_video_framebuffer:
            self.videophy = VideoHDMIPHY(platform.request("gpdi"), clock_domain="hdmi")
            if with_video_terminal:
                self.add_video_terminal(phy=self.videophy, timings="800x600@60Hz", clock_domain="hdmi")
            if with_video_framebuffer:
                self.add_video_framebuffer(phy=self.videophy, timings="800x600@60Hz", clock_domain="hdmi")

# Build --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def main():
    from litex.build.parser import LiteXArgumentParser
    parser = LiteXArgumentParser(platform=colorlight_i5.Platform, description="LiteX SoC on Colorlight I5.")
    parser.add_target_argument("--board",            default="i5",             help="Board type (i5).")
    parser.add_target_argument("--revision",         default="7.0",            help="Board revision (7.0).")
    parser.add_target_argument("--sys-clk-freq",     default=60e6, type=float, help="System clock frequency.")
    ethopts = parser.target_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    ethopts.add_argument("--with-ethernet",   action="store_true",      help="Enable Ethernet support.")
    ethopts.add_argument("--with-etherbone",  action="store_true",      help="Enable Etherbone support.")
    parser.add_target_argument("--remote-ip", default="",  help="Remote IP address of TFTP server.")
    parser.add_target_argument("--local-ip",  default="",   help="Local IP address.")
    sdopts = parser.target_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    sdopts.add_argument("--with-spi-sdcard",  action="store_true", help="Enable SPI-mode SDCard support.")
    sdopts.add_argument("--with-sdcard",      action="store_true", help="Enable SDCard support.")
    parser.add_target_argument("--eth-phy",          default=0, type=int, help="Ethernet PHY (0 or 1).")
    parser.add_target_argument("--use-internal-osc", action="store_true", help="Use internal oscillator.")
    parser.add_target_argument("--sdram-rate",       default="1:1",       help="SDRAM Rate (1:1 Full Rate or 1:2 Half Rate).")
    viopts = parser.target_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    viopts.add_argument("--with-video-terminal",    action="store_true", help="Enable Video Terminal (HDMI).")
    viopts.add_argument("--with-video-framebuffer", action="store_true", help="Enable Video Framebuffer (HDMI).")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    soc = BaseSoC(board=args.board, revision=args.revision,
        toolchain              = args.toolchain,
        sys_clk_freq           = args.sys_clk_freq,
        with_ethernet          = args.with_ethernet,
        with_etherbone         = args.with_etherbone,
        local_ip               = args.local_ip,
        remote_ip              = args.remote_ip,
        eth_phy                = args.eth_phy,
        use_internal_osc       = args.use_internal_osc,
        sdram_rate             = args.sdram_rate,
        with_video_terminal    = args.with_video_terminal,
        with_video_framebuffer = args.with_video_framebuffer,
    if args.with_spi_sdcard:
    if args.with_sdcard:

    builder = Builder(soc, **parser.builder_argdict)
    if args.build:

    if args.load:
        prog = soc.platform.create_programmer()

if __name__ == "__main__":


python3 colorlight_i5.py --ecppack-compress --build


ecpdap program build/gateware/colorlite.bit

(We could have used –load but there is a bug in Litex)

If your ecpdap works


openFPGALoader -b "colorlight-i5" --freq "16000000" ./build/colorlight_i5/gateware/colorlight_i5.svf

Connect using the serial terminal

On Linux:

litex_term /dev/ttyACM0

On windows I do not know at all.

Once you are inside press enter you should see:



litex> reboot
        __   _ __      _  __
       / /  (_) /____ | |/_/
      / /__/ / __/ -_)>  <
   Build your hardware, easily!

 (c) Copyright 2012-2023 Enjoy-Digital
 (c) Copyright 2007-2015 M-Labs

 BIOS built on May 19 2023 21:03:55
 BIOS CRC passed (afa6ed09)

 LiteX git sha1: 0f1ad8dc

--=============== SoC ==================--
CPU:            VexRiscv @ 60MHz
BUS:            WISHBONE 32-bit @ 4GiB
CSR:            32-bit data
ROM:            128.0KiB
SRAM:           8.0KiB
L2:             8.0KiB
FLASH:          2.0MiB
SDRAM:          8.0MiB 32-bit @ 60MT/s (CL-2 CWL-2)
MAIN-RAM:       8.0MiB

--========== Initialization ============--
Initializing SDRAM @0x40000000...
Switching SDRAM to software control.
Switching SDRAM to hardware control.
Memtest at 0x40000000 (2.0MiB)...
  Write: 0x40000000-0x40200000 2.0MiB     
   Read: 0x40000000-0x40200000 2.0MiB     
Memtest OK
Memspeed at 0x40000000 (Sequential, 2.0MiB)...
  Write speed: 22.1MiB/s
   Read speed: 30.2MiB/s

Initializing GD25Q16 SPI Flash @0x00200000...
Enabling Quad mode...
First SPI Flash block erased, unable to perform freq test.
Memspeed at 0x200000 (Sequential, 4.0KiB)...
   Read speed: 1.6MiB/s
Memspeed at 0x200000 (Random, 4.0KiB)...
   Read speed: 936.6KiB/s

--============== Boot ==================--
Booting from serial...
Press Q or ESC to abort boot completely.
No boot medium found

--============= Console ================--

Congrats, you have a Risc V SoC !